Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Working the Problem

US household wealth has declined almost $11T since the depression began and $1.5T in the last quarter. As de-leveraging continues expect more losses. The DOW sucker run will fade after the elections.

The US falls to 4th place in the world for investment. The stagnant economy and over-regulated investment climate is causing investors to seek better environs to put their money. Hell, even communist China is a better investment than america these days.

The US government is hiding it's debt. Beyond the $13T in government debt reported to the press is $60-200T in unfunded obligations such as social security and Medicare. Congress mandated that companies show pension obligations on the books. Why wouldn't the people's government show it's social security obligations on it's books? Maybe because we'd lynch them from Washington lamp posts if we knew.

One fellow thinks chaos and war could result from currency devaluation like we saw from the Japanese last week. Exports are the lifeblood of nations that keep the peasants from revolting as the ruling class loots and plunders all wealth. The currency valuation race to the bottom could trigger a war abroad or within a nation. Buckle up.

Orlando cops broke a 84 year old drunken veteran's neck after he touched a cop. Many police are working very hard at destroying public empathy with heavy handed tactics. If you or I broke this old man's neck for touching us, we'd be facing aggravated felony charges and jail time. But unionized public servants deserve respect and operate under a different set of rules.

Apparently aliens in flying saucers are interested in our nuclear weapons. Maybe they're just charging their batteries using tractor beams to remove fissile material from the warheads. Dont' worry though...

The government has their best minds working the problem.


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