Sunday, June 27, 2010

Way Out Here

Supreme court justice Sonia Sotomayer claimed that american's had no constitutional right to self-defense. What an odd thing for an educated jurist to say. God gave all his creatures a right to self-defense. Even the lowliest insect will fight for it's life.

Criminologist John Lott claims that supreme court nominee Elena Kagan is "cut from the same bolt of cloth". If so, then neither Sotomayer nor Kagan have any business making decisions about american's rights.

God's plan is revealed all around us and is easy to discern if one will only open their eyes and observe. Someone who would claim that humans shouldn't defend themselves, would set man outside of God's creation. This is just wrong...and frankly evil.

If we take Sotomayer's claim of no second amendment rights to self-defense to it's logical conclusion, then the next step is that no nation has a right to self-defense. So why have a military. Is Sotomayer claiming that only states have a right to self-defense? Who conferred that right upon states Sonia?

I'll let God give me my rights and let the standing Constitution secure those rights without interpretation by totalitarian activist judges. If the state tries to take my God-given right to defend myself and family away from me, I will consider the state an enemy, all bonds torn asunder and will cry havoc.

"Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun
And you might meet 'em both if you show up here not welcome son" - Josh Thompson, Way Out Here



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