Sunday, March 21, 2010

159 New Federal Bureaucracies Coming

Doctor and congress critter Tom Price says that the health care bill includes the creation of 159 federal bureacracies to administer our health care. Not good. In the good old days, you and your doctor made decisions about treatment. The past few years I've had to deal with not only my doctor, but the insurance companies and lawyers standing in the shadows. The insurance bureaucrats and lawyers created "checkbox medicine" that defines a standard set of treatment for every medical malady, no matter the particulars of your case. If you have disease X then check off the following procedures without variation. The doctor must follow the checklist or be fired by the bureaucrats.

In my case, as a mild diabetic who can control the disease well with diet, exercise and low doses of medication I saw the doctor once per year for prescriptions. The insurance companies and lawyers said that I had to see doc twice per year and had to have an expensive battery of blood tests at each visit. The doctor thought this was unnecessary but she had no say in the matter. This treatment doubled my annual treatment cost. Imagine what federal bureaucrats will mandate.

We are all about to become feedlot livestock.


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