Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deem and Pass Could Spell the End of the Republic

The democrats are preparing to do an end run around the Constitution to pass their health care legislation. These tyrants have decided that it doesn't matter what the American public wants, they know what we need and are going to give it to us whether we like it or not. These congress critters apparently believe that they will not be held accountable to the voters in the next election if they don't vote on the reconciliation bill. They think that they can say "I did not vote for the legislation" and voters will excuse them of responsibility for passing this legislation that effectively turns America into a dictatorship. Why aren't these legislators afraid of American voters? Will there even be an election this Fall?

The only way that this legislation can provide health care to the uninsured is if taxpayers are forced by the government to pay for it. Each taxpayer will get another person to provide insurance for, without any deduction or benefit. Each insured taxpayer will pay higher insurance costs, higher medical bills and more out of pocket expenses to take care of someone they don't even know. Yes, this is redistribution of wealth.

If passed, this health care legislation will be the largest social program in American history, dwarfing social security and Medicare. The unfunded entitlement will be a black hole that sucks all wealth into health care while giving government absolute control of your body under the guise of controlling cost. The democrats intend to confiscate your wages without due process of law. This is unconstitutional. Let me be clear, if the democrats pull this stunt off and remain in office beyond the next election, our Republic is over.


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