Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chavez brays as he nationalizes a grocery chain

Hugo Chavez is braying today that US Marines have occupied Haiti. He is stunned that the Marines have guns, since Haiti already has guns, El Premier thinks that the Marines should have left their weapons at home.

Meanwhile Chavez nationalized the French supermarket chain Exito for "price gouging". Apparently this Marxist dictator wants people in other nations to subsidize his commune at their cost.

This assclown is always entertaining me with his zany antics. It would be funny if he wasn't impoverishing a nation and it's people. Venezuela is a wealthy nation, rich in natural resources, that could be a vibrant civilized place but instead has become a festering corpse spreading the disease of communism throughout the Western hemisphere.

Venezuela is the model that Obowma and his democrat pals have for America. Laugh if you will but this is our future if we don't rid ourselves of the usurpers in Washington.


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