Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now I'm a Community Organizer Too

I've lived in a quiet middle class subdivision for the past 30 years where I raised three daughters in a safe, nurturing environment. There was the occasional unruly teenager or odd neighbor but mostly we felt safe.

Last year a lumpen slut moved into the neighborhood with her three multi-hued children of three different drifter sperm donors. Weeds grew, doors fell off the house and the little unsupervised sociopaths in training created various havoc in da hood. The responsible adults in the neighborhood tried to reason with the little thugs without success. So we turned to local government, who asked "what do you expect us to do".

Last spring our lumpen slut found love and took a paroled felon into her home. He pitched a tent in the front yard and started having beer and pot barbeque's as often as possible. Perhaps it was just a marketing plan for his dope dealing business that he ran out the lumpen slut's home. He also brought two cuddly pit bulls to the property that often escape from the house to maul schnauzers and chase 80 year old women into their homes.

The police were repeatedly summoned and ignored by the parolee. The party and drug dealing would subside until the police pulled away then resume apace. Generally the police considered the citizen that called being the problem, because they had "bigger fish to fry". So, I thought to myself, this is how crime-ridden ghettos form.

I spoke with a buddy who was a cop and he advised that this was going on in every neighborhood in town and that the police were undermanned and prosecutors had no will to put these sociopaths out of business. Policy was to go after the drug gangs not the small time dealers and users. At least he was honest.

I pondered all this and looked for leadership examples that might help me fix this problem. I found the perfect example in the power-crazed, cult of personality messiah in coming, our presidente! I too could be a community organizer.

I began calling politically ambitious city councilmen and explained the transformation that our neighborhood was undergoing. One particularly ambitious councilman was able to influence a police official to put some heat on the residence. Police drivebys were executed, a letter concerning general public nuisance was delivered and I suspect that a parole officer had a frank discussion with the felon.

As a community organizer, I visited the neighbors, explained who I spoke with and what I said then encouraged the folks to call the police every time the was an event or even a suspicion of an event. Most retorted that the cops wouldn't do anything but I advised that a problem not reported is a problem that doesn't exist. Squeaky wheel and all that stuff.

The transformation was striking although incomplete. The tent-hut was removed, the parties became few and far between and the dope dealing slowed. Swarms of sagging, bagging, pot-smoking gangsta thumpers and bumpers no longer visited the crack house. The felon spent less time cribbin at da crib.

The pit bulls still live at the house but they are mostly confined indoors. Several of us community organizers have been seen outdoors with 12 gauge shotguns as our grandchildren ride their bikes. Even a stupid felon could add up the signs and get the message. We takin the hood back.

In the event that the pit bulls maul another pet we have "The Plan" in place. It seems that if you file a homeowners insurance claim that the insurance company for the home of the dog owner is contacted and they take a dim view of pit bull claim losses. Yep. Either the dog goes or your insurance is cancelled. You can't have a mortgage without insurance and even landlords have insurance. And insurance companies maintain large databases of losses so forget changing companies to circumvent the problem.

One wise city councilman called the presence of pit bulls "soft terrorism". The dogs intimidate the neighbors just like the gangsta rap, the hard look sagging and bagging and surly glances. But every community organizer knows how to use the system to get his way.

It would have been far more emotionally pleasing to get a grizzly bear who sometimes escapes to munch on pit bulls or gone vigilante on this third rate felon dope-dealer. But all over this country there are fat, stupid, white lumpen sluts who bring a diverse felon dope-dealer home for some rough comfort. Sperm has to go down the drain somewhere. Why not pass through their rotten plumbing on the way to the city waste treatment plant?

I'm enjoying being a community organizer who clings to his bible and his guns. We have patrol captain's cell phone numbers programmed on our phone speed dial, have chatted with our local insurance representatives and 12 gauge shotguns to fend off wild beasts. Surely God will protect us all our days.


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