Sunday, September 20, 2009

From One Crisis to Another

I am not a conspiracy theorist but recent events have given me pause. We seem to be bouncing from one crisis to another, each time surrendering freedoms and power to government. And most of these crisis are predictable, as well as preventable.

We start with the crisis of the attacks on 911 and the resulting Homeland Security legislation. Open borders are a sure way of letting all manner of barbarians in the wire. We let the 911 terrorists in the house and gave them aid and comfort until they murdered 3000 Americans. As a result, grandma jumps through bureaucratic hoops to get her papers in order then stands in line to be stripped, probed and have her nail clippers confiscated by illegal aliens at the airport. Feel secure now?

Then we have the financial system meltdown because, darn it, unemployed people deserve to own a home too. And there's commissions to be made on ARM mortgages; who cares if the buyer can pay the mortgage. As a result, government ends up either owning or controlling vast swaths of the nation's wealth as trillions of dollars change hands. Only God knows where the money went but you can only guess that insiders are shitting in tall cotton.

Now we have the health care crisis where 46 million people are dying on the hospital steps. No? Well they're worried that they might even if no one ever has. Even illegal alien gangbangers shot in gunfights that they start get lifelined, treated and rehabilitated for free. The proposed solution; let government provide care. In other words, make me pay for your care. Tis only fair. The government gets more power while I get poorer.

Soon we will debate the global warming crisis. The proposed solution; Make me pay more for energy by taxing the bejebus out of me and let the government decide what to do with the proceeds. Oh yeah, and pay reparations to Zimbabwe and North Korea for the carbon sins of our forebears. Tis only fair. The government gets even more power while I get poorer still (and probably blisters from walking and cold hands and feet in the winter).

And finally, the H1N1 swine flu crisis that the government and media are hyping out of all proportion. Be terrified! The nanny state is teaching us how to cough and wants to inject us with magical serums that we must take or die. Yeah right. I'm gonna get in line for a potion from these flim-flam men. Czars are drafting plans as I write that will invoke martial law and have government agents ransacking our homes for pandemic contraband before they padlock us in to die. Tis so Dark age. Once again, the government gets more power, but this time I may not only be poorer but dead.

See any patterns emerging? Government becoming a tyranny involved in every aspect of our lives. Nanny state deciding what you can drink, where and how much you can travel, what temperature your home is, what disease you can have treated, how much you get paid. Sounds like the Soviet Union you say? Never happen here?

It already has, is and will continue. One crisis to another. Only government can save you. Just stand back, your betters will look after you. "Lugh, more than one Coke a week is bad for you. If you want two you'll have to pay an extra $50 to the Treasury." "Lugh, step outside for your weekly healthcare walk, then you won't need that stint. C'mon, we don't want to have to Tase you. Besides it will warm you up from sitting in that 50F house all winter." "Never mind those ACORN folks, they are checking your underwear drawer for H1N1 microbes." "Gun!" As Lugh is wrestled to the ground, bagged and tagged as a threat to society, er, the government.

These manufactured crisis are bald-faced fabrications designed to grab power. Be terrified!


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