Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Beginning of the End of the West

The United States of America seems to be coming apart at the seams and with it the entire Western civilization is crumbling into irrelevance. I suspect 2009 will be recorded in history as the beginning of the end of the West.

The US is hopelessly divided along class and political lines to the point that there is no longer any common welfare and defense. There are no leaders capable of bridging the differences even in time of war or crisis. The republicans couldn't accomplish anything meaningful when they were majority and the democrats have morphed into communist thugs on their watch.

The present regime has drastically increased their power while destroying American freedoms, standard of living and security. Appointed czars either ignore the Constitution or create new rights without even bothering to consult the electorate, which they consider to be mob of terrorists. The dollar has been printed and borrowed into losing it's status as the world's reserve currency. The US government security commitments are abandoned without regard even as we lose the war against a ragtag Taliban through impossible rules of engagement in Afghanistan.

The conventional family of father, mother and children is the basic building block of Western civilization. But families are being replaced by government supported women with children. The children get basic support from tribal czars but have no sense of belonging to a loving group. So America becomes a nation with hordes of self-centered drifters and whores looking for a handout from the tribal-government czars. There is no regard for responsibility or the future. The government will take care of every problem.

The number of dictators for life is growing around the world. These tyrants are not prepared to relinquish power. Putin, Chavez, Ahmadjihad, Il Jong et al have won concessions from the current regime and the West. Obama, Clinton, Reid and Pelosi seem to admire these thug tyrants. Perhaps they wish that they could enjoy the unfettered power of dictator for life.

America is headed down the path of the Roman empire. First the crisis, then the caesar, then the over-reach followed by decline. The resourceful will make other arrangements, just like the feudal lords of Dark age Europe as the empire collapsed.
New Attilas such as Putin, Chavez and others will pick over the rotting corpse of America.

Dark age Europe rallied under the banner of Christendom to defeat those who would loot the remains of the Roman empire. Can the West rally under the banner of the Cult of Carbon Sequestration? Will the sons of drifters and whores fight for their right to tribal subsidies? Or will they hire their services to the tyrant?

Feeling gloomy about the future? You betcha. I won't see the end through mortal eyes but my wretched grandsons will. I will teach these sons of drifters to fight for God's will and seek the Kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of man is doomed to become a living hell.


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