Sunday, July 19, 2009

And That's the way it was

While the economy might be looking up a bit for me, it looks like a mortally wounded dinner for turkey buzzards to most of the folks that I speak with. The dumbest comments heard this week came from Obama's economic adviser Larry Summers and vice messiah Joe Biden.
Summers said the economy must be on the mend because less people are googling "economic depression". Then Biden said "we have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt" in support of Obama's health care overhaul.
Well Larry, using your logic I must be getting younger because my wife didn't call me an old bastard this week. And Joe, what could I possibly say about your solution regarding the financial insolvency of the federal government? Many Americans have discovered that when they can't pay the bills with their income that the best solution is to secure additional credit and use it liberally. What could go wrong with a 120% ARM mortgage anyway?
Moe Obama and his right hand men Larry and Joe. This administration is like an episode of the Three Stooges.

Meanwhile on the foreign policy front, US commanders in Iraq are uncertain that they can protect US troops as they withdraw from cities to megabases. CIC Obama and Secretary of State Clinton were silent on the matter although Hilary did let us know that her arm was broken, not her larynx. Vietnam redux.
US troops playing whack a mole in Afghanistan gained ground then promptly gave it back to Taliban thugs who premiered a video of a captured American soldier who urged us to give up and go home. Soon Katie Couric will tell us the war is lost.
Iran continues work on their nuclear program in response to Obama's gesture to Russia to reduce the US nuclear arsenal. Oh well. Why have a weapon that you would never use or threaten to use? May as well chuck the whole program and concede the field to misunderstood Putin and A-mad-jihad.
The US endorsed dictator for life and the trashing of the constitution in Hondouras this week as central and south America slip deeper into the totalitarian camp.
But Michelle Obama stormed the Vatican showing bare chest, legs and arms thus destroying the racist policy of modesty in the house of the Lord. And little Malia represented the US in short shorts and tshirt on the arm of a gangsta wearing simulated boxer shorts outside his jeans in Italy. A perfect representation of cesspool america.

Uncle Walter Cronkite dines in Hell this weekend with Marx, Lenin and Uncle Joe Stalin. Walter paved the way for many journalists as the trade morphed from reporting the news to either making the news or spreading Gramascian propaganda.

And that's the way it was!


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