Thursday, February 05, 2009

Death of Marriage and Family

The basic building block of society is the family. Monogamous marriage establishes responsibility and obligation between a man and a woman which provides a stable environment to raise children. Marriage and family were the bedrock that Western civilization was built upon. I have watched the institution of marriage and family generally collapse during my lifetime. The result is a society that is coming apart at the seams.

In the past, marriage was a right of passage into adulthood. Young men would learn a trade so they could provide for a woman, marry and start a family. The fear of shame and ostrasization of unmarried young women was an effective method of preventing extramarital sex and the resulting birth of bastard children. Responsibility, obligation and fear of shame bound a man and woman together until death. Children were raised who learned responsibility, obligation and fear of shame. These children would marry, raise families, teach their children and take care of their obligations to their family, parents and communities.

Now, extramarital sex is the right of passage into adulthood. Young men drift between school, intoxication and sex often without acquiring a trade. Young women, girls really, have sex and babies without shame and present themselves to the community for sustenance. There is no shame, no sense of responsibility nor obligation for these young people. Many are incapable of taking care of themselves let alone their children. Too often, child rearing falls upon grandparents, draining them of vitality and resources.

Proto-Bolsheviks in Russia wanted to eliminate marriage in the late 19th century. Apparently they believed that marriage and family were oppressive. Women should mate like some beast of the field and deliver children to the herd to raise. The only responsibility or obligation is to the herd and the only shame is considering oneself to be more than a common beast of the field.

Western civilization seems to be adopting the proto-Bolshevik model. Almost all of the young people that I know are divorced or have children out of wedlock. Most are on state assistance and few have marketable resources. Rather than build a community, these youngsters drain communities. If the West continues down this path, civilization will collapse in just a few generations.


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