Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life after Change

2008 is gone. Good riddance. I lost my job, the economy and my country. Whatever lies ahead will be down the road awhile because everybody is hunkered down waiting to see what happens.

In my opinion, the American people are fools. They put the pack of liars and cheats that created this financial mess in power again. Clintonistas developed the policy of putting people in houses they couldn't afford. The financial mess was a result of this something for nothing scheme. Bush let this policy continue, fearing total financial collapse after 911.

The building industry is in depression. Now the entire auto industry is teetering on the brink of collapse threatening to take down the rest of the economy with it. The future is as gloomy as 1980 except now we have a pack of agenda driven socialists and a guy with a third world name running the country.

I've quit reading the news. I just can't bear to watch this slow motion train wreck. The America that I grew up in is almost gone. The exceptionalism that defined America flickers in the winds of change. All that is left is hope that things won't get too bad.

I've averted my gaze from the world and will focus instead on my tiny existence. Hopefully I will work again. I will read ancient history, tend my garden, fish, play with my grandchildren and love my family. America and the world will just have to be ruled by the cheats and liars that promise something for nothing while they practice their vain quest for power. Life after change is really just the ever-game of the ages.


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