Saturday, November 10, 2012

All In ...then...Splat

Dave had it all, then he went Smeagol with Paula under the desk. It's shocking yet funny when the big shots make contact with the windshield and unceremoniously go splat. Of course it's not funny to Scott and Holly and the four children of the two former spouses.

This photo says it all. Maybe the former homecoming queen/valedictorian/West Point graduate/ US Army officer/master degreed/ PhDed journalist can write us a tome sharing details about just how All In Dave was.
She is quite proud of herself and I'm curious, is that a special blouse?

And how intelligent was the Director of Intelligence to accept the position knowing that he was fucking Paula? That doesn't strike me as intelligent at all. What? The FBI wouldn't know about the Dave and Paula Freak Show?

Smeagol. My Precious. That's how I'll always remember Dave. Oh, I know. I'm a ridiculous speck of sand myself. A sinner and an animal beneath contempt. We all get our comeupance.


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