Sunday, November 04, 2012

Democrat Exposition on the Plantation

The democrats are providing a real-life exposition of how they run the plantation in their environs post Sandy. No power, no water, no food, no cleanup, no gasoline, no police protection. The proletariat is in the dark, thirsty, hungry, dirty, cold, frightened and getting sick. Most without hope of when or if they will be taken care of by their big government.

Rules, regulations and unions will slow down any recovery and provide a target rich environment for thugs to prey on the vulnerable. The pace of recovery will rely more on overtime pay availability of unionized cops, bureaucrats and utility workers than anything. Those on the lowest rungs of society will live in awful places until the bureaucrats get around to tossing them out of their condemned hovels.

In flyover country people start clearing the rubble the next day on their own initiative as friends, family and neighbors get them what they need. Church groups provide incredible support that dwarfs government help. But the godless megalopolis just waits for help that never comes from democrat overtime availability.


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