Sunday, November 04, 2012

Lena Dunham: Another Vote Your Cunt

Lena Dunham's Empty Chair endorsement was pathetic. All that matters to Lena is sex. It might matter who you let pop your cherry but it has nothing to do with who you vote for. Unless you're a slut focused exclusively on your very available cunt.

Apparently Lena is not an actress, but rather a movie slut who really is a slut in real life. She thinks it's important that she get popped by the right guy, a "great guy" that she can't even define. Then she can just fuck anybody and have birth control so she doesn't have to be burdened by babies. And she thinks health care is important. Why would a young healthy woman need health care except to treat the venereal diseases she acquires fucking anybody and everybody? Does Lena actually interview her hookups to find out who they vote for? Does she care about that or does she react to guys that make her panties wet? Or girls for that matter. Lena seems to have a bisexual desire that leaks out.

And she thinks that the Empty Chair would be a "great guy"? The Choomer who doesn't care about anything but his coke buzz while Larry Sinclair is honing his bowwow. Does Lena think that the Empty Chair really gives a shit about her? The narcissistic, ego manic, sociopath would be a great first fuck? Lena is a awful judge of character. Her life will be awful if she can't pull her head out of her cunt.

Lena doesn't care about declining wages, stagnant economic growth or loss of freedom. In her world as an actress/slut she makes good money, has nice things and is free to do what she likes (which is hooking up). Common type cast sluts don't have much of a future in film. I wonder what Lena will be doing when she grows wrinkles at 30 and beyond.

Lena is voting her cunt as that's all she seems to care about. Apparently that's all she believes she has to contribute to this world. No intelligence, no morals, no talents. Just a cunt. That's sad.


Anonymous Angie said...

Good LORD, HBO please, please, please cancel this POS and that nasty, fugly, bigger POS Lena Dunham. I had the awful experience of hearing that rancid brat speak on the wonderful Craig Ferguson show. At one point, she called dogs stupid. Craig Ferguson was stunned, and he tried to make a feeble joke out of it... What type of c*nt hates dogs? This c*nt:
FYI, Sex in the City has been done and it was colorful, witty and a (general) joy to watch. I'd rather watch my turds happily float in the bowl than watch 'Girls'. 'Nuff said?

4:56 AM  

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