Saturday, November 03, 2012

Clean Up Your Mess Dumbasses

Wretchard writes about the 911 terrorist attack on Benghazi in a posting titled Like a Circle in a Spiral. As usual, good work. But I have no idea what the hell was going on there and I suspect that I never will. The problem is that the CIA, the US military and the State Department are no longer american organizations. They are all international organizations more interested in the New World Order than americans.

Why was the US involved in any way with overthrowing governments in Egypt and Libya? Even an idiot like me knows that radical Islamists will end up in control of the government. It seems to me that stable governments like Iran under the Shah, Egypt under Mubarak, Libya under Gaddafi and Syria under Assad are preferable to radical Islamist governments. Instead our idiot NWO organizations get involved in revolutions, pumping weapons to Islamists that then cause problems elsewhere.

The CIA in particular is a rogue operation run amok that hasn't delivered any useful intelligence to americans in at least four decades. Iran, the Soviet collapse, 911, Benghazi. The list goes on and on. These prima donas need to be put on a short leash with a tiny budget while being ordered to produce. Piece rate might be a good alternative.

With regards to Stevens, Woods and Doherty. What dumbass decided making a queer an ambassador in a muslim country was a good idea?  The bloody toilet at the consulate tells the whole story of how that worked out. Wretchard suspects a professional counterintelligence operation occurred and wonders when the next shoe will drop. Um, yeah. Who was involved? Iran? Russia? Turkey? Pakistan? Al Qaeda? Muslim Brotherhood? What's next? You can bet the CIA doesn't have a clue...nor the Empty Chair. Woods and Doherty? If they were CIA employees, they should have obeyed orders and stayed put at the safe house. Disobeying orders perhaps gave away the location of the safe house and put the mission at risk, whatever that was. At any rate, it got them both killed.

All of this crap that our NWO organizations have pulled off in the last 11 years hasn't made us any safer. And may well get us all killed or enslaved, either by muslims or our own government. I wonder who all of these "heroes" report to. Americans and the Constitution or some group of powerful shadow organizations that want to kill or imprison us all. I generally don't trust any leadership and don't trust NWO organization leadership at all.

Only God knows what comes next. We'll never know what really went on in Benghazi or anywhere else for that matter (including what Empty Chair promised Putin with his second term flexibility). But if there's a queer in the mix, it won't be good. Even heroes can't save queers from their queer selves.

But I don't own any of this crap. The mysterious, secret "they" do. Clean up your mess dumbasses.


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