Monday, July 09, 2012


Roubini thinks we're about to have an economic "perfect storm" late this year or early next. And the central banks are out of ammo. Worse than 2008? Nope. Just an extension from where it left off.

Business is already getting ready for the fiscal cliff when tax cuts end. So we're just limping into the election followed by the cliff. Stevesmith likened it to "The current situation for N. Americans is like being a flea on a dog that just jumped off a cliff. Does the flea jump off the dog into thin air, or does the flea stay put and hope it is on the top side of the carcass when the dog smashes into the ground?" at Wretchard's site. Nice.

Psst. Want to buy some bonds with a negative interest rate? It's all the rage in France these days. Here's the deal monsieur, you loan me 100 Euros and I pay you back 99.95 Euros in 30 days. Here's a nickel Francois, now fuck off.

Putin is licking his lips as he claims the West is in decline. Well of course it is. The race is on to see who crashes first, China, Europe or the US. There's no doubt it will all go in the shitter sooner or later. Somebody is going to pick up the pieces. Who's that?

Who know's, maybe the sun will kill us all with a ginormous x class solar flare. Think that might be why it's so damn hot and dry in the Midwest? Or is it just global warming rather than the solar maximum in 2012?


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