Saturday, October 22, 2011


This afternoon Paul Farrell channels Martin Weiss projecting Greek default, EU bank collapses, US bank contagion, global depression and OWS revolution. One man, one vote, one dollar democracy. Democracy? Really? I thought this was a Constitutional Republic. And do you see one man, once vote, one dollar, once? OWS protesters seem to think that government is the answer to all problems, including the greed that they cite as their principle beef. Can government control all human behavior? Perhaps total power can exercise total control. But is that the desire?

OWS might spark chaos but not revolution. Can any of them think or shoot or organize? I don't think so. And those who could, wouldn't let those creepy OWS freaks anywhere near them. Tea Parties would meet, quietly chat and feel. That's all. No revolutions there.

Greece will default, global banks will fail and an even deeper global depression may come. Chaos will follow. Maybe civil war. But revolution? Not until the vested have all lost everything (or passed from the mortal coil).

History is instructive. As Roman money ran out, government failed and those who could fled Rome. There was no revolution, just chaos for centuries. Instead of democracy expect strongmen. That's the future of mankind.


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