Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kill All the White People? Really!

Well stupid americans, you've done it now. Black youth mob marches through a neighborhood in Peoria chanting "Kill all the white people" and in LA the crowd boos the US team during it's match with Mexico. And this is only the first year when Caucasian children are a minority. What's life going to be like for american whites when the savages grow up? Maybe instead of just chanting and booing, they'll actually kill white folk.

Carter Strange was severely beaten by a gang of black kids this week, because he was white and alone. Cops will charge the teenagers with lynching but they won't serve time for this racial hate crime. They're juveniles.

I've been very careful about where I am and who's around me. In certain situations I am legally armed and prepared to use lethal force to defend myself. Someone else would bleed before I took a beating like Carter.

Sooner or later, america is going to have a race war. God never intended for races and cultures to intermingle. But stupid americans thought that they knew better than God. There will be suffering.


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