Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Atlas Has Shrugged

I've pretty much quit caring about anything anymore. This change puzzles me because I have always cared and was involved. Now it's just all gone. Why? I think that I might have stumbled into the reason today. Rejection.

Being tossed on the street by your employer at age 57 is a blow. Delphi destroyed most of my trust in employers. The job search process further eroded trust in employers as most don't even bother to look at applicant's skills. Only education matters these days. Experience is too complicated for these idiots to comprehend. Except for a couple of guys, the market told me to fuck off.

Then there's my community that I lived in for 57 years. They rejected me as well. They told me to find work somewhere else. Just go away. Your house? Abandon it and your equity loser. We don't need you anymore. We milked you dry and now we're moving on without you. Everything is great here now. If you have to drive an hour to work, tough shit. But keep paying taxes, fucking migrant worker.

Finally, there's the leadership that fucked the whole thing up. Off-shoring jobs, free mortgages to bums, open borders, diversity, sanctioned promiscuity and cesspool culture. Both parties for decades. All liars and thieves, working overtime to destroy this culture and country. They destroyed my life, my future and this country. They lied to me and, in the end, rejected me completely.

Almost everyone lies to me every minute of every day now. I don't believe anything that I cannot personally verify. I have no trust in the politician, the company president, the doctor, the minister, the teacher, the cop, the soldier or my neighbor. All anyone wants is my money. Me? I can just go die somewhere. I have no value besides the cash in my hand.

So I don't care at all anymore about anything but my immediate family and friends. Everyone else is on their own. I wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone else. That's what happens when you utterly reject a man. Oh, I'm not mean to people but I'm not caring about them at all. Countrymen? Bullshit. Neighbors? Right. I have as much in common with most americans as I do with a jihadi, which is nothing. So when bad things happen to people I just shrug anymore. No one cares what I think or what I do. I'm nobody. Why would anyone expect anything from no-one?

Atlas has shrugged.


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