Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fukushima Hell Part 2

Ok, I'm not a nuclear power expert but here's what I have discovered about the Fukushima problem reactor. The light water reactor is incapable of a fiery explosion like Chernobyl but is capable of releasing radioactive material. The core has overheated, is probably in meltdown and all of the emergency cooling systems have failed.

The containment building was destroyed by a hydrogen leak which exploded on contact with air. TEPCO believes the reactor vessel is intact and is now planning to flood the reactor vessel with seawater to cool the core. If the reactor vessel fails during core meltdown there will be an atmospheric release of radioactive material.

The plant was struck by a 6.0 aftershock. That isn't helping the situation, which seems to be spiraling out of control. Officials are trying to calm the public but I'm unconvinced at their reassurances. The bottom line is, like the earthquake and tsunami, there is not one thing that us humans can do to mitigate a radiation release. The truth would only cause more despair and panic.

Fukushima is located at latitude 38.8N which means the jet stream will dump a continuous, low level dose of radiation over the central US if the core is exposed. Americans won't be dropping dead but the radiation will accumulate and could have negative affects on young adults and children.

Pray for successful seawater cooling. It's all they got now.



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