Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Truth about Egypt

Do you want to understand what happened in Egypt? Two articles by Spengler illuminate more than anything written by the MSM. Food and backwardness tell the real story.

Media idiots will write that riots and the fall of Mubarak are about democracy. Bullshit! Ninety percent of Egyptian girls have their clitoris mutilated by doctors hired by their parents to enforce a disputed Islamic hadith. Does this sound like a people who could implement freedom or democracy?

Mubarak banned this human rights violation long ago and his wife has led a public campaign to end the practice. But Egyptians, even college educated, middle class still embrace this barbaric practice. I don't believe these people could even begin to establish a democracy in the sick museum that is Egypt.

Even Obama and Hillary yammer about democracy in Egypt, knowing that 90% of the women were mutilated as children. These shitbags wanted Mubarak to step down so the rioting "democratic revolutionaries" could bring "reform" to Egypt. If half the population has to be mutilated as children then democracy is impossible. Fuck you Obama!

40 million Egyptians will starve over the coming months and the deposition of Mubarak will worsen the crisis. Obama and the MSM will own a share of the suffering with the sick Muslim Brotherhood that demands that girls be mutilated.

I don't really care if all the muslims in Egypt starve to death. They are a fucked up people that has not brought anything good onto the world stage in 2000 years. Their culture sickens me, much like Obama and his administrative appointees sicken me.

This world becomes more hellish every day under our ruling elites.


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