Monday, February 28, 2011

Democrat says "You are Fucking Dead"

Wisconsin democrat bolshevik representative Gordon Hinz tells republican representative Michele Litjens "You are fucking dead".  Really? This Nazi brownshirt thinks he can make threats like this as a representative of the people? Which people? Russians? Hutus? Taliban?

And it seems representative Hinz has other "issues" such as a citation for sexual misconduct. A real shitbag!

Wisconsin cop unions have sided with the Bolsheviks. And then there's the LA police union asking their membership to protest with SEIU, MoveOn and other Marxist fellow traveler movements to stand up to taxpayers.

Meanwhile Dictator Obama tells americans "I don't think it does anybody any good when public employees are denigrated or vilified or their rights are infringed upon." Really? Like when you shit all over the Constitution, call me a "clinger" and ram legislation down my throat whether I want it or not? Like that you sonofabitch?


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