Sunday, February 27, 2011

Homeland Security Suspends 4th Amendment....Again

Homeland Security wants my DNA? The US has suspended the 4th amendment of the Constitution and treats everyone as a criminal. The geniuses that decided canceling american Constitutional rights missed an important factor, citizens are the first line of defense in depth. Citizens are more numerous than security forces and can see and report more threats than cops. But once citizens are all criminals by government policy, they will shrug and report nothing.

I consider DHS to be more of a threat to me than Al Qaeda. I minimize my exposure to DHS, just like I minimize my exposure to criminals. I don't go to places where either DHS or criminals hang out. I wouldn't provide a tip to a criminal and I'm sure as hell not giving a tip to DHS. Since criminals and DHS both want to suspend my rights as a citizen, I'll treat them the same.


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