Dustbin of History
Well, the oil traders and companies lost no time bidding up oil, jacking up gas prices and making a few hundred billion dollars. Today they backed off and let prices stabilize. It's always been about getting oil to $100/bbl and they're there. So come up with the Saudis increasing capacity story and lock in the profits.
One can imagine the global elites stirring up the muslim mobs to start this violence to build wealth and power. The US will hemorrhage $1.4T annually at $100/bbl, taking 10% of US GDP out of the domestic economy and making it available to the global elites to harvest most of it abroad. This will increase US economic stresses, propelling the US economy and political discourse ever closer to crisis. Then Obama can declare martial law and rule as dictator forever.
I used to hope and believe that the US military and law enforcement wouldn't support an Obama coup. Now I don't know. Too many military officers comply with Obama policies that harm the US and put their own troops in pointless meatgrinders. I've encountered Reserve military cops after returning from Iraq that behave like Brownshirts on duty. They're unionistas that want the benefits that come with the power of being an employee of the state. Many will obey any Dictator Obama order.
I suspect that we'll have some setup "terrorist event" that will cause the Dear Leader to declare martial law, shut down the internet and the Brownshirts will quietly start rounding up "clingers" for detention. Unionistas have been recently exercised and their loyalty has been proven. Everything is almost in place.
The US is on the verge of becoming a museum in the dustbin of history.
One can imagine the global elites stirring up the muslim mobs to start this violence to build wealth and power. The US will hemorrhage $1.4T annually at $100/bbl, taking 10% of US GDP out of the domestic economy and making it available to the global elites to harvest most of it abroad. This will increase US economic stresses, propelling the US economy and political discourse ever closer to crisis. Then Obama can declare martial law and rule as dictator forever.
I used to hope and believe that the US military and law enforcement wouldn't support an Obama coup. Now I don't know. Too many military officers comply with Obama policies that harm the US and put their own troops in pointless meatgrinders. I've encountered Reserve military cops after returning from Iraq that behave like Brownshirts on duty. They're unionistas that want the benefits that come with the power of being an employee of the state. Many will obey any Dictator Obama order.
I suspect that we'll have some setup "terrorist event" that will cause the Dear Leader to declare martial law, shut down the internet and the Brownshirts will quietly start rounding up "clingers" for detention. Unionistas have been recently exercised and their loyalty has been proven. Everything is almost in place.
The US is on the verge of becoming a museum in the dustbin of history.
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