Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Dream Comes Stumbling to an End

The wheels are starting to come right off of Western civilization. The 2000 year old holy thorn of Glastonbury was severely, perhaps mortally, wounded by vandals last night. The tree is believed to have been the staff of Joseph or Arimathea planted in England. Cultural vandalism strikes at the very heart of dying cultures whose symbols no longer have value. Christ has been severed from Britain.

Elsewhere in the crumling kingdom, students rioted over aid cuts, attacking Prince Tampon and his wife. Yet another symbol of the dying civilization smashed and debased. The couple is lucky that they weren't dragged from the car and beaten by "students". Maybe Chas should fear the mob more than climate change.

US State department cables leaked by Wikileaks reveal AGW hoaxes, bribes and illegal spying by the US government. Prince Tampon and all of our elites are in on the power and wealth grab. Perhaps Wikileaks has exposed the lies that bind the West together. Is there any longer any doubt how corrupt the US government truly is?

Stiglitz wants to shape globalization. He wants to study financial interconnectivity, racial financial worldviews and how the global depression has affected globalization and US credibility. My view is that global elites are using globalization to destroy cultures, including the US middle class culture. But maybe darker forces will finish the american dream.

Venezuela will base Iranian Shahab missiles that can reach as far as Chicago in the future. Of course our  government doesn't see any threat from either Iran or Venezuela. Maybe a Navy SM-3 system can knock the Shahabs down before they nuke DC....maybe not. Should we even care anymore.

The entire Western civilization is stumbling on the edge of the abyss in a cultural vacuum without God. It's symbols are shattered and it's words revealled as the cheapest lies. Divorced from all ties from the past, drunk and depressed it waits for something to push it over the edge.

The US and the rest of the West is wreckage that needs to be swept away so history can resume it's long march.


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