Wikileaks Reflections
I haven't read even one of Wikileaks revelations that I find shocking. Perhaps I'm a bit more jaded than most people but I'm very disappointed in the mundane quality of the material so far. Thousands of news and opinion articles have been written about the subject material leaked. Nothing new here at all.
Am I supposed to be surprised that politicians and diplomats lie, that nation's look after their own interests, that everyone spies on everyone else, that bribes are the basis of all agreements, that morals have no place in the public sphere? And then there are the revelations that are not, China spies, Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, etc. Some of the cables read like a teenager's Facebook page, pure adolescent bile spewed about a rival.
The days of civil, polite society have long been gone. And the image of the sophisticated, educated upper class was vanquished long ago by the very common behavior of our former betters. Blue bloods like the Kennedys revealed that our aristocrats were whore-mongers, drunks, liars and thieves.
Then there's the matter of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. Neither of these freak shows are heroic. They're both punk ne'er-do-wells, shit stirrers and rebels without a clue. Bradley Manning is just another queer involved in espionage, dating Tyler Watkins and despising his miserable life. I hope the US military convicts him of espionage and executes him. Julian Assange is an egomaniac sociopath that couldn't care less what effect his leaks have on the world. I'm sure that he doesn't believe he raped those women in Sweden. Sociopaths are like that.
Julian Assange says he has created a Doomsday pill that will be released if he is arrested or killed. He threatens to reveal secrets about Gitmo, BP, american banks, et al. I say "Bring it". Assange wants to run with the big dogs, the powers that be should call his bluff. What is he gonna reveal? That channel locks and blow torches were used on Gitmo detainees? That Obama ordered the Macondo rig blown up to stop Gulf drilling? That american banks intentionally crashed the US economy?
I don't care if Assange's lifeless body is found in a hog confinement barn or he spends a decade in a Swedish prison for rape. Julian wanted to be a celebrity and didn't care a whit what damage he caused to do it. He isn't a freedom fighter nor is he trying to create anything good. And when you live by the sword, you just might, by God, die by it.
Hillary Clinton says that the Wikileaks revelations "tear at the fabric of government". Well that might be true for the gullible and naive, but most of us know that the government is all about lies, theft, power and corruption Hildebeast. Like Hillary's magical stock portfolios, Bubba's serial rapes, Vince Foster's suicide and Marc Rich's pardon for Iraqi Oil-for-Food scam. That soiled "fabric of government" Hill?
Will diplomacy be compromised by Wikileaks revelations? No because there's too much money involved and it is human nature to run your mouth. Just like murderers have to brag to a cellmate that he did the deed, politicians are compelled to chat themselves up by trashing someone else. People will be just as dumb tomorrow as they are today, no matter what happens in between.
I'll tell you where this is all leading. It is leading to a global society that lives in Hell. Where no one trusts anyone and we are all just animals feeding on one another, not for sustanence, but for pleasure. If God has not averted His gaze from His creation, He must be looking down like the lovely young lass above the text wondering what His creation has become.
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