Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Stuff

The big black guy that worked for me got hisself fired yesterday, finally. He missed more work than my whole crew put together in a year. He was a contractor so the contract firm called him and said his contract was terminated. He called me at home to ask why. He couldn't figure it out!
A year of training, coaching and always trying to make him understand that 99% of the job is just coming to work. All for naught. So I'm going to have to hire and train a new guy.

Today Wretchard said:

"Everyone just carries on like everything was normal while things fall apart around them. 

But unlike the Caine there is no way people can relieve themselves of a whole system of dysfunctional thinking. The fruitcakes are just too numerous and ubiquitous to get rid of. Maybe the only thing left is to quietly don the life jacket and hope for the best when the ship starts to go down. Who knows, maybe the inrushing waters will find the quart of strawberries he’s been looking for. They’ll get their cap and trade yet, even when no one can remember why."

I've felt that way  for a long time now. The world, the country, the state, the city, the economy, companies that I used to work for and the company I work for now. Everything is broken but nobody acts like they care. Everyone just goes through the motions all day, goes home then come back for more of the same. Extend and pretend.

It didn't used to be this way at work. People were accountable to get things fixed. Now I don't even know who is responsible for anything at work. And no one even cares. It's not just where I work, it seems to go on damn near everywhere. I've talked to dozens of people recently who work in many different companies who describe the same thing.

It's as if the whole world has just given up, put on the life jacket and hope for the best when it all fails. As if some hysteria has overtaken the world. Are we all just exhausted from terrorism, war, the economy, politics and the contant stream of bad news provided by the MSM?

I'm not shocked by Wikileaks revelations. It's just human behavior, all the deceit, arrogance and suspicion that have always been man's nature. It's just that now we have a means to collect and disseminate vast quantities of information on a global scale that never previously existed. I suppose that it's better that we know the truth than guess about the lies.
The democrats paid off their black and indian constituencies with $4.6B freshly printed monopoly dollars today. It'll all be spent on dope and booze in a couple of weeks. The Los Zetas and distilleries will make out like bandits.

Meanwhile two million unemployed are going over the cliff next week when the last unemployment checks arrive. I don't know what they're going to do. Move in with relatives, live in the street, go on welfare, go to rescue missions. We're about to see what a depression looks like in modern america.

I still feed the birds that come to my two feeders out back. One for the sparrows and one for the cardinals and nuthatches. Millet, milo, safflower and sunflowerfor the sparrows and black-oil sunflower for the cardinals and nuthatches. I keep the birdbath full and flowing for my little backyard friends all winter long.

God, the birds and I have a pact. He sends the birds and I feed them faithfully throughout the winter. We've had at least seven cardinals every year for 33 years that add color to our winters. The birds wait for me every evening, to get home and feed them their supper, chirping excitedly when I come outside. It always cheers me up no matter what happens in the world. Thank you God.


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