Saturday, October 16, 2010

US is now a Bananna Republic

The US government is simply dismissing deportation cases against illegal immigrants in Houston so long as they don't have felony charges against them. Effectively they are granted amnesty to stay in america without status. So the US government is no longer enforcing it's own laws.

Why should I obey federal law? Or any law for that matter? If the government can pick and choose what laws they are going to enforce then surely I can decide what laws I'm going to obey. At the least, everyone is uncertain which laws are enforced and which aren't. So just do as you please and roll the dice.

The US is now a Bananna Republic where law is enforced on a whim by the current big shot in power. Mortgages given to the unemployed, real estate titles forged by banks, thugs with clubs at voting polls and the national treasury looted by political cronies.

When ordinary folks decide that obeying laws is for suckers the republic is finished.


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