Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day Economic Stuff

Another day, another drop in the value of the dollar. After the IMF failed to stop the currency war and QE2 on deck, everyone wants to move to a defensive position against the dollar. Maybe this will be the Black Swan that takes down the global economy.

420 banks demand a global currency to replace the dollar as reserve currency. No surprise there, the dollar is causing global chaos and QE2 hasn't even started the printing presses yet.

Economists see slower growth for 2011 in the US. Growth was estimated to be 3.2% last May, now growth is estimated at 2.6%. Um, Ok. Anything below 3% means no decrease in unemployment thus poor consumer sales hence the economy remains in a depression.

US drops to seventh place in the world for average adult wealth at $236,213! A decade ago the US ranked first but after the housing bubble crashed, stock market losses and depression level incomes american average adult wealth is in free fall.

Oh noes. The NYSE had a "problem" with 160 stocks and the exchanges were "closed". WTF? Are those HFTbots making meetballs out of traders?

The government and banks were closed for the Columbus Day holiday today so we didn't hear much about the bankster mortgage foreclosure fraud issue. Any mortgage issued after 2005 is suspect for title problems. If you bought a home after 2005 ya'll better head to the courthouse and see if your title is free and clear.

The EU and UN just won't lay off the climate change fraud even after most of the data has been found to be lies. It's all about money and power, for the global bureaucrats of course. And we see just how well their other plans have worked out for the world haven't we. I have a dream of EU/UN bureaucrats, ropes and lamp posts. Priceless!


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