Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Macondo Well Top Kill Successful

It looks like BP has performed a successful static kill on the well head of the Macondo site. Work continues on the relief well that will enable the bottom kill that should seal the well completely.

Scientitsts have estimated the amount of oil released into the gulf at 4.9 million barrels, making it the second worst manmade oil spill after the intention Persian Gulf spill after the first Gulf war. Almost 4 million barrels of oil are missing, perhaps evaporated or drifting around in plumes beneath the Gulf. No one knows.

Notice that the MSM has abandoned this story and really has no interest in finding the truth about this story. The whole story smells: BP's cozy relationship with Obama and terrorist nations, the administration's waivers and lack of regulation enforcement, BP's shoddy management that led to the explosion and spill that, in turn, led to a drilling moratorium that will hurt the US economy badly in the short and longterm.


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