Thursday, July 22, 2010

Presidents, Clerks and Nazis

Some presidents use tools like these to influence events and demonstrate national power and resolve. George Bush used carriers to kill barbarians who attacked America and show the world that Americans were not to be messed with.

Obama used tools like this to take advantage of crisis and utterly bankrupt the nation, demonstrating national failure and disunity. We will never know the real carnage inflicted on america in this Depression because of the lies of government workers.

Our government has turned on us. Government workers are only interested in their incomes and power over those who are not government workers. These drones produce nothing but more rules, more regulations and more government workers. They cannot find one terrorist, they cannot deter one border busting mexican, they cannot stimulate the economy, they cannot regulate predatory banksters, they cannot protect the Constitution and they cannot unambiguously win any war with the best military our men can produce. In short, our government is an epic failure.

I would vote tomorrow to disband the entire city, county, state and federal governments, fire all of the workers, burn all of the legal codes and start over again from scratch. The new governments must exclude anyone who ever served in any capacity in the government. The only exception would be the military below the rank of general.

The other day I stopped at a liquor store to buy a bag of ice. I was asked to show an ID. When I protested that I was buying non-alcoholic ice AND was almost 60 years old, the clerk matter of factly told me that a new state law required that I show ID for ANY purchase from a liquor store. When I said that the law was insane, he agreed but told me he still needed to see ID. Now I know how "good" germans put jews into the gas chambers. It was the law and they were just good clerks following the law.

Well, fuck the law, fuck the government and fuck the clerks to boot. God damned little nazis every fucking one of them. If I wanted to live in a totalitarian state I could have moved to Cuba in the 1970s. I'm just about one law away from firing the government with a pitchfork.



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