Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday Tidbits

The congress has outdone itself this time with the Financial Reform bill that embeds left-wing whack jobs on corporate boards and creates more of the Community Reinvestment Act activity that caused the mortgage crisis. The bill also provides job opportunities for token negroes and left wing women from which to hector working people who actually work for a living. We are so screwed.

Why is this rug chewer always stumbling around with a glass of wine in her hand?  I swear that the last dozen photos that I've seen of her, she always has a drink in hand. Maybe pussy tastes better with white wine.
One million more homes will go into foreclosure this year. That's just stunning! No one will ever live in most of those homes ever again, except Mexican squatters or the occasional meth cooker. With one or two years without heat and cooling the houses will need major rehabilitation to be habitable again. Most will simply rot in place. Around these parts nobody even bothers to mow the yard or look after the places. Except the possums.
So it looks like we go out with a whimper according to some economists. Decades of deflation eroding the value of everything: property, stocks, savings and wages. Global scale, economic entropy that spirals downward until civilization devolves into roaming gangs of barbarians. Why build anything when it's value tomorrow is less than it is today?
The democrats intend to tax working people into poverty. When the Bush tax cuts expire next year, every working american can expect a tax increase that will transfer $1T to the government in the coming decade. Expect a hefty 4% tax from Obamacare to boot, plus higher paycheck deductions to buy healthcare.

Next up, democrat Cap-and-Tax which will increase the cost of energy, both through direct taxes on gasoline and natural gas then indirectly through tax increases on coal that will increase electric rates. The coup de grace will come in the form of a VAT of 20%. We're screwed.
If the engine of the US economy is the consumer then it's clear that the democrats want to kill the engine and shut the whole economy down completely...forever. Suicidal? You betcha. If the congress passes all this legislation, most of us will be living like Dark Age serfs.

If I were a young man, I'd chose to be a plundering Viking: kidnapping, looting and raping my way through gated communities rather than toil in poverty for some post-american oligarch.



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