Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can You Look

The Fed ran up the surrender flag today, downgrading growth while predicting higher unemployment. Others are less optimistic. Every indicator suggests Depression 2.0.

Meanwhile 3 million people will run out of unemployment benefits in July. Yeah, million. Imagine being in their shoes.

I was reading today about a couple of late 50s unemployed professionals who have worked hard to find a job but just can't find work. Unemployment has barely kept a roof over their heads and food in their belly. Both have depleted a lifetime of savings and now they are staring at utter disaster. When the unemployment checks stop they will lose their homes to foreclosure. Neither knows where they will go. One has lost her car to repo. Both worry where they will put their remaining possessions that they have accumulated during their life. One worries about his dog, where will it go and how can he feed it?

In previous downturns, older workers were retained while the young were let go. The younger workers had more options. They could move home or with friends. Where do 60 year old homeless unemployed go? Do they move in with their grown children? A young man might live under a bridge and survive. A 60 year old wouldn't last long. Are we going to be hearing about 61 year old homeless couples living and dying under bridges?

How will americans respond to the horror of the old people, that american businesses and government have turned their back on, and left to live and die homeless, under a bridge? Will executives even look as they glide by in their Lexus on their way home for cocktails in their gated community mansion?

We are about to experience Zimbabwe right here in america. Can you look?



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