Sunday, March 07, 2010

Heat and Pressure

Last night the wife and I enjoyed a rare evening without grandchildren in the bruig. She was creating a craft card and we talked about the day and a hundred little things. Although I rarely watch the wasteland of televison, last night I scanned the channels and found the History Channel documentary "The Day After". This show discusses a terrorist nuclear attack on Washington DC and the aftermath. A few years ago this scenario would have shocked and angered me. Now I just shrug and wonder if we might be better off without a central government that works to harm my family.

This morning I awoke and stumbled to the kitchen for coffee then went to the shop for a cigarette. My thoughts drifted to a conversation with my brother yesterday where he confided that he was afraid that he would never work again. He was a commercial construction estimator for 30 years and there is zero work in the land of the bruig. Who caused this disaster?

Leftists claim that greedy capitalists are responsible for this economic depression. Conservatives blame the financial meltdown on socialist government policies. Some believe that evil conspirators gamed the financial system for wealth and power. While others think that we just innocently went too far, too fast wanting everyone to share the good life. Maybe it's all of the above. I don't know.

All I know, is that for a generation my brother and I got up every day, went to work, did our best, paid our taxes, obeyed the law and lived modest lives. One day we got up and went to work only to be told that there was no more work. I was lucky and found work paying 60% of what I made before and my brother can't find any work at any wage. We both feel betrayed. Who did this to us? Why? How could this happen?

Once I was proud to be an American and could be counted on to stand with my fellow citizens in time of peril. I believed that my government would never intentionally harm me or my family. Now I have a government that won't listen to me, is actively trying to harm my family and considers me a threat. Would a sane man care if people trying to harm his family experienced some heat and pressure?


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