Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Punch that will Stun the West

Iran says that Thursday will be the demise of liberal capitalism. Could the Kavoshgar-3 satellite in low earth orbit, passing over the US six times per day have a nuclear weapon capable of effecting an EMP attack on the US?

Federation of American Scientists have stated that an effective continental EMP attack would require a megaton nuclear warhead detonated between 136 and 227 miles above the target. The Iranians certainly have the altitude in Kavoshgar-3 and Omid-2 but lack the lift for a megaton device. At least for now.

The Iranians have been working on nuclear weapon and rocket technology for almost a decade. The Iranians have friends that would love to see the US eliminated from the global scene, and some of their friends have nuclear and rocket technology. Is this scenario impossible? No. Probable? Doubtful. Today anyway.

If attacked by an EMP detonation, the US would still maintain a retaliatory strike capability even if we were all literally in the dark. Iran would be utterly destroyed if they attacked the US in this manner. But I don't think the zealots in charge would care. Liberal capitalism would fail globally as the US descended into the 17th century and then chaos.

Something is up as it was quite odd that Obowma would order US ships and missiles to the Persian Gulf. This socialist is more likely to bow to Ahmadinejad than confront him. It is more likely that Obowma is trying to deter Israel from striking Iran than any US attempt to defend US interests.

The most likely scenario is that Iran will demonstrate the ability to orbit and de-orbit a spacecraft in the fashion of an ICBM attack. That would be a stunning achievement for a regime that has repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel and the West.

Update: 11-Feb-2010
As of 2100hrs EST we haven't met our demise. Apparently the punch was the announcement that Iran is a nuclear world power, having enriched U-235 to 20%. Politically, uranium is considered military grade above 20%. So Iran is on the threshold of violating the non-proliferation treaty and probably preparing to manufacture nuclear weapons. Are you stunned yet?

So much for the 2007 NIE report that claimed that Iran wasn't intent on making nuclear weapons. Meanwhile Directors Blair, Panetta, Burges and Mueller testified that we are likely to experience a terrorist attack in the next 3-6 months. What are the buffoons in Washington doing about it? Well, they are doing what they do best, which is spend more of your money and talk.

Perhaps the pricks in Washington should read the Constitution which defines one of the principle duties of the federal government as "provide for the common defense" of the nation. Providing health care, carbon cap and trade and bribing each other is not mentioned in the Constitution.

I'm stunned only by the ideologues and dopes in the US who won't see what is coming. The US is begging for an Iranian nuclear detonation on American soil.


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