Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where is the Hope?

The tyrant in the Whitehouse campaigned on hope and change. Where is the hope?

The government speculated that US 2009 4th quarter GDP growth was a whopping 5.7%. Who would believe that number (or anything this regime says)? The US economy is dead and no one can cite any metric to the contrary.

Financial pundits all agree that consumers drive the US economy. With one in five US workers unemployed/underemployed and many of those who are still working living in fear that they will lose their job, most consumers aren't going to spend. Consumers will hunker down, pay off debt and save until they see the layoffs stop.

Now the Whitehouse is prepared to submit a budget with the $1.6 trillion deficit for this year. This new debt represents 11% of GDP. This staggering figure would be comprehensible if the nation was purchasing a major capital item such as new weapons, infrastructure or something that would improve GDP down the road. Instead, most of this money will be squandered on social programs that will keep millions of people's heads barely above the water. The US economy is in a death spiral and with it goes our republic.

I no longer hold any hope that our leadership can pull out of this death spiral. This will not end well for anyone.


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