Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Federal Government is a Threat to Americans

CNN reports that 56% of Americans think the federal government is a threat to their rights. No shit!

The federal government has been transferring power away from the people to itself for 150 years. This tendency has been accelerating since the 1970s and under this regime the federal government is on the verge of tyranny. The federal government now owns or controls the banking, insurance and auto industry and if they pass Obamacare, will control the health care industry. If this evil congress manages to pass cap and trade legislation, the federal government will control the energy industry. At that point, they will own you!

The founding fathers of this nation intended a federal government that would handle those matters that local government could not, being common defense and interstate trade. Our founders recognized that local governance was most effective and that national government should be very limited in scope. We have drifted far from this approach.

If the residents of San Francisco want to live in a Marxist commune they should be allowed to do so. If the people of Chicago want to live in a Sicilian mafia feudal society they can choose to do so. Likewise, if the residents of Detroit want to emulate an African village then do so. But don't make me pay for it nor try to convert me to your miserable, failed system.

The federal government is acting like Spanish conquistadors, invading, conquering and converting Americans in the name of Marxism, the mafia and tribal culture. None of this activity is constitutional and hence is illegal and immoral. Americans have every right to resist this effort.

I pray that God will open the earth and swallow the whole of Washington DC and those everywhere that would make us slaves of government. Perhaps we could start over again and create a government that serves the people rather than itself.


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