Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Age of Men has Ended

In Lord of the Rings, Aragon addressed the men of the West and stated "A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship..".

I grew up in a world of my father where such a concept was impossible. American sheepdogs would always stand against wolves to protect the gentle sheep of the world. The strong bonds of fellowship ensured that English, French, Canadian and Australian friends would stand with Americans as men of the West against evil.
That bond was a mighty, unbreakable steel Chain  that could never be torn apart by outside forces.

During my lifetime I have watched the Chain rusting and links open. The French link became weak and parted decades ago. The English link is weakening daily and soon will be unable to bear any weight. The Canadian link is weak and cannot be trusted. The American link is corroded and unless renewed will surely fail. The Chain is but a relic.

The Chain has not been destroyed by outside forces but from within each link. The culture that gave rise to the successes of the West is being systematically undermined by allowing outside cultures in. A combination of hubris and naivety brought this doom upon the West.

In the past year, America has forsaken it's friends and is on a path to break all bonds of fellowship in the West. Our leadership embraces tyrants and turns their backs on sheep being savaged by wolves. America is silent as Iranians and Chinese are murdered by tyrants, Women are raped and caned and economies are looted by thugs. America won't even stand up to pirates on the seas.

Within America the bonds of fellowship are but a flimsy thread that could snap in a breeze. Being American is meaningless since the country is full of foreigners who are only here for the loot. Being in America is being a sale or a vote to be purchased or a mark to be had. Nothing more. Our leaders no longer care what we want but would rather tell us what we get. Tis truly every man for hisself these days.

Even families are but shattered bits of convenience. Children are fought over for the government handouts that they make possible. Otherwise children are inconveniences to be shuffled around in government daycare while "adults" seek their fantasies of fame through sexual and other indulgences. Our own children are routinely forsaken in modern America, breaking all bonds of humanity. Wild animals show more signs of humanity than many Americans, as animals do not willingly abandon and abuse their offspring.

Increasingly I feel disconnected to anything or anybody in this country but my immediate family. I care about my fellow Americans as much as they care about me, which is not at all. Although I have always been a sheepdog by nature, I would probably shrug and walk away if I witnessed a countryman being savaged by wild beasts or barbarians. There is a 50/50 chance that the unfortunate is a libtard that voted for the leaders we have today.

Tolkein's Aragon would weep were he to see modern America and the West. Most of America has forsaken everyone and utterly broken all bonds of fellowship. The Age of Men has ended.


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