Saturday, June 07, 2008

What Energy Policy?

The shocking lack of leadership of this government with regard to our non-existent energy policy is almost criminal. The fact that we are not drilling for oil nor building nuclear and coal fired power plants will put this nation in economic decline for decades. Add the global climate change hysteria with it's onerous tax burdens and you have the basis for economic collapse.

I cannot believe that the lack of vision of our leadership is due to inattentiveness or ignorance. No one can be so busy nor so dumb to not understand that America runs on energy and that doubling or tripling the cost of energy will crush our economy. We lived this scenario in the late 70s and early 80s. Were our leaders asleep and missed it?

Every dollar that is spent on transportation, heating, cooling, cooking and lighting is one less dollar spent in the consumer economy that the US now relies on. Every dollar that business spends on energy means that the price of goods and services will go up. Business activity will decline and jobs will be lost.

Our economy is sinking while government leaders bicker with each other at the pig trough. The dumbocrats think the answer is suing OPEC or nationalizing the US oil industry. The republicans are just trying to slow down the inevitable dumbocrat socialism that is coming. Meanwhile energy prices rise daily, inflation is eroding consumer confidence, jobs are lost and the American economy slides ever closer to the abyss.

God damned windmills, solar panels and hydrogen fuel cells ain't gonna save us. We'll still be be using petroleum fuels as primary fuels decades into the future. We ought to hang the douchbag nozzles that lead us in Washington.


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