Friday, January 25, 2008

George Soros-Unprincipaled Demon from Hell

Recently George Soros had an opportunity to speak at the Davos World Economic Forum where he clearly communicated his core beliefs. BBC reported that Soros told reporters he viewed with enthusiasm the prospect that a coming recession could seriously weaken the U.S. "I'm not looking for a worldwide recession," Soros said. "I'm looking for a significant shift of power and influence away from the United States in particular and a shift in favor of the developing world, particularly China."

What do these statements say about the currency manipulator and political activist? That he believes that he is smarter than everyone else and that he prefers that people be ruled by lawless tyrants.

Now George would never personally stand up for his beliefs. He has always ran from the fight starting during WW2 when he and his Jewish father helped the Nazi genocide in Hungary. Then George moved on to England where he repaid his new fellow citizens by breaking their bank. Then on to America where he works to undermine the US constitution while hoping for American decline and Chinese Communist ascendancy.

George Soros is an unprincipled demon from hell who should be stripped of his ill-gotten wealth and sent to China to live out his days.



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