Friday, January 04, 2008

Presidential Candidates Paint Disturbing Picture of America in 2008

A great nation should have leaders that understand what made the nation successful and vision for a future that builds upon past successes. If Obama and Huckabee are the best America can find to lead this country into an uncertain future then the nation is in full decline.

American corporations are led by incompetents who believe that the solution to every problem is to outsource the work to some third world shithole and then pocket the savings in bonuses. American bank leaders finance mortgages for pauper mansions to pocket commissions and fees, systematically destroying perhaps a trillion dollars in wealth. Nanny government leaders add evermore rules, regulations and bureaucrats yet can't enforce the basic laws that define a nation such as who is a citizen. Media leaders foist opinion as news and pornography as art with little concern about the destruction of US culture. Education leaders are more interested in buildings and student indoctrination than learning anything useful in school.

I suspect that the leadership elites in America have given up on any concept of American exceptionalism and greatness instead opting to join other transnational elites to make their fortunes where they can. Ordinary Americans are left to struggle in an ever-declining wasteland.

Meanwhile Americans busy themselves buying that big house and SUV that they neither need nor can afford to show strangers their importance. We all have our 60 inch plasma televisions to watch garbage and pornography. Our cultural heroes are perpetual teen, doped up ball players and lumpen sluts. Every American has a cell phone to chat with nobody about nothing almost continually. We idle in drive though lanes buying supersized fast food meals to eat in our supersized SUV then sprawl in front of our supersized HDTV to watch supersized egos of media darlings.

Why should we expect our political system to produce more than an episode of Survivor where emotions choose pretty sociopaths as the lone Survivor?

Our pathetic presidential candidates are a reflection of America in full decline.

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