Monday, September 03, 2012

The Empty Chair on Laborless Day

A pretty crummy Labor Day weekend here at the Bruig this year. Rain, rain and more rain interspersed with cloudiness. The drought has broke with 17.5 inches of rain for the growing season, but too late for corn and bean crops, as well as our garden. I've had better luck with vegetables in August, harvesting tomatoes, radishes and lettuce but grapes, strawberries and vine crops were a bust this season. Fall seems to be coming early this year with many leaves coming down and grapes maturing at least a month early. Pool temperatures have been in the upper 60s for a month. Not even the boy has any interest in swimming in the cool water. I'll be closing the pool this week.

There is no joy this Labor Day, no celebration for the working man. With a fifth of the workforce out of work or under-employed, making less each year as prices of everything increase, most of us are just getting by. We struggle in vain to maintain a middle class lifestyle that is slipping away as we feel shame because we just couldn't provide for our family the way we used to.

I used to feel pride as a working member of the american industrial complex that generated unprecedented wealth that was fairly shared throughout the economy. Now I'm ashamed as I watch american made equipment being shipped to China and Korea for use by slave labor to generate wealth for the few. Labor Day is a twisted joke foisted on american serfs.

I placed the empty chair in the front yard this morning that represents everything wrong with this country. The missing american leadership, the missing american presence on the world stage, the missing american workers and the missing american consent of the governed. Crony capitalism is rampant in this new world order, the chosen few winners amongst countless feudal serfs.

We own this country. But who are we? I don't know who the new we are? Are we a fat, stupid, greedy, entitled bunch of whoremongers who have surrendered our freedom to the government? Or are we a lean, creative, responsible and moral people that are free? We will learn the answer soon. Either way, there will be more pain and suffering. But hopefully someone responsible will sit in the now empty chair. Otherwise all american holidays will become meaningless shams just like the empty chair on Laborless Day.


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