Sunday, September 09, 2012

Ruled by Kings

Influential people. I used to know a few people who could make things happen. Things like jobs, public policy or just people who could honestly answer simple questions. Not anymore. No one knows anything these days. Everything is fraught with uncertainty. Apparently anything is possible these days. And nothing is possible.

Once I had a pretty good idea who I needed to approach to gather information to make some specific thing happen. Usually an older person that would render useful advice or knew someone else that would be willing to help me. A simple phone call was all it took.

But in the age of voice mail, email and text messages most people just ignore or look, choosing then to ignore. People are just too busy and too uncertain to bother even trying to render assistance in this vertical power aggregated society that we live in today.

I see this every day. The manager who won't respond to communication because he needs to get permission from a director who, in turn, needs to get permission from a CEO to do some simple thing. No one will communicate so nothing happens. Tis better to maintain the status quo than do anything.

Then there's the case of the formerly powerful corporate director who lost her job, tried to find equivalent employment then took a job as a lackey at maybe 25% of her previous pay. She used to help people try to find work but gave up trying. I provided help for a couple years, now she won't even pick up the phone or respond to email to help my friend figure out what happened to his pension.

No one knows or even cares anymore. All power has flowed to the top. The bottom 99% may as well be ruled by kings as serfs.


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