Monday, August 06, 2012

Soul Searching

Obama says america needs soul searching on gun violence. Bullshit. Millions of americans have owned guns for generations and never used them in violence, unless others used them in criminal violence first. The problem lies with dirtbag criminals and nutcases. And being mostly soul-less there won't be any soul searching there.

Obama and fellow travelers want to ban assault weapons. The elite community organizer crowd thinks that banning "menacing looking weapons" with high capacity magazines will solve gun violence. Nope. Lee Harvey Oswald put a lot of bullets on target with a with a Carcano bolt action rifle.

The problem lies with criminals and the insane. Neither are dealt with in modern america as we won't lock them up or execute them when guilty.

I don't need to perform any soul searching regarding gun violence. I'm a moral, God fearing man. In order to search your soul, first you need one. And that's the problem in most of the gun violence. Obama should know this. It's telling that he doesn't.


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