Sunday, August 05, 2012

DOT tells americans to go to hell

The federal government pushed Midwest gasoline prices 10% over the national average with an "unusual demand" to submit a plan to prevent future spills. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration called on Enbridge to "submit a detailed restart plan and undergo a third-party audit." Meanwhile Midwest gasoline customers pay almost $4.00 per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline.

Basically the government told Midwest gasoline users to go to hell as they shutdown a oil supply line that supplies 318,000 barrels per day to 35 million americans. Enbridge had the line repaired July 31 but the US government won't allow pipeline 14 to restart until they approve their plan. So Midwest gasoline users pay an additional 40 cents per gallon.

DOT Secretary Ray LaHood should be ashamed of himself for allowing americans to be raped by oil companies over this regulatory bullshit. He is torturing americans not Enbridge over this regulatory issue. The oil companies just got a license to rape americans at the pump.


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