Thursday, September 22, 2011

They’re selling literally everything

The markets plunged to a 52 week low today in a panicked stampede.

Alan Valdes, director of floor trading at DME Securities at the NYSE said “It’s the realization that things aren’t getting better that has traders concerned. They’re selling gold; they’re selling copper; they’re selling everything.”

As Wretchard said,

"The market is writing down the value of the world economy. Right across the board. It is making a judgment on what they think the future is worth."

There is only a future value if there is trust. And all trust is gone. Is GM a viable company? Where is all the federal spending going? Is the welfare single mother family a comparable alternative to the traditional family? Does God accept junk dancing for teens? Do you believe anything our policymakers have to say about these and a million other issues in our modern society?

Trust is gone and with it our civilization. Nothing is left so sell it to suckers for whatever you can get.


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