Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Up Your...Game?

"You had to up your game," Obama said to the workers. "And that's what we've got to do as a country as a whole. I want the cars and planes and wind turbines of the future to bear the proud stamp that says 'Made in America.' " The president said that the country has the workers, companies and industries to mount a stronger economic recovery: "We are still the United States of America." "I promise you," he said, "if you we continue to adapt and we continue to innovate and we work together to compete around the world, America will come back stronger than before." Last week, Obama announced a $500 million joint effort by industry, universities and the federal government to help reposition the United States as a leader in cutting-edge manufacturing.

Horseshit! The green, clean tech company that I work for has few customers, is short of cash, has cut it's workforce and may not even survive the year. Manufacturing is in a slump. But Obama is out lying to everyone about his hopey changes.

Up our game? Adapt? Innovate? Work together? We can't "up" anything. All of our adaptations and  innovations get shipped to China. Working together consists of getting wage and benefit cuts, working harder and accepting the over paid, incompetent management that companies put in charge. I haven't worked for a competent boss in two decades. It gets worse every year. For all their meetings and Power Point presentations, they don't have a clue how to run anything.

The only thing "made in america" these days is incompetence, debt, failure and depression. Somebody ought to put the place out of it's misery.


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