Saturday, March 19, 2011

Democrats are perpetual children

Over the years I've observed that all Democrats are perpetual children. They want government to be their mom and dad forever, to take care of them, make decisions for them and love them no matter how irresponsible, stupid or badly they behave.

Why in the hell would the US government get involved in bullying at school? That is ridiculous! Is the US government going to start charging children with federal offenses for bullying? This is even more absurd considering the US DOJ will not enforce voting rights laws after Black Panthers stood outside a polling place in 2008 with clubs. Isn't THAT bullying?

When democrats run government they treat citizens like children AND favor some children over others. The bad children get rights while the children who behave get treated like red-headed step-children. I'm sick and tired of supporting democrat/children while they tell me, in detail, how I should live my life. Grow up democrats.


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