Monday, March 14, 2011

Fukushima Hell Part 9

Well, they're losing control of cooling and one core is in some form meltdown while the other two are in and out of the melting/cooling cycle. If we get a full meltdown and the core burns through the reactor and containment then into the ground the nuclear nightmare begins. With winds shifting to the southwest, Tokyo is at risk.

Is the US at risk? If the radiation is ejected to 30,000 feet, into the jet stream, we will get some radiation. The dosage will be low but if the dosage is continuous for days, weeks, months it is problematic, especially for breeders and children.

Gamma radiation is 30x normal, suggesting that one or more cores is exposed to the atmosphere. Perhaps the shit has already hit the fan.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:24 PM  
Anonymous lugh said...

Really? Fukushima? This blog entry? Or the Bow education?

9:09 PM  

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