Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nuclear Reactions and Clowns

Laughing Wolf at Blackfive probably has the most accurate and helpful discussion on the Fukushima event.

The UN is going to bomb Libya? British and French, as well as five Arab air forces enforcing a no-fly zone? ROFLMAO. Will Obama lose his Nobel Peace prize after calling for war on Libya? Western governments are run by fucking immoral clowns bought and paid for by global elites. Crack whores are more honest and reliable.

I'm re-living the years of the Carter presidency and democrat congress. Stagflation, malaise and american collapse. Except this time, there is no Reagan on the horizon. And I'm 60 years old. When I was 30 I could adapt and evolve. Hope was possible. This time I don't have ten years to rebuild. Plus, my parents generation is dead and gone. Now I'm living with fucking idiots, incompetents, whores and criminals immersed in a nigga culture. Where's my cardigan sweater?



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